Emotion & Body Code

The Emotion Code and the Body Code

The Emotion Code

Emotions are energy, just like everything else. When they are intense, they can become trapped in the body. 

While trapped emotions are invisible they can have a profound effect on mental and physical wellbeing as they cause interference in the energy flow in the meridians, that in turn can manifest in physical symptoms such as pain and depression.
If the energy flows freely in the meridians (energy lines), we are in perfect health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as the body has an innate ability to heal itself. 
The Emotion Code first identifies and then gently releases trapped emotions. 

The Body Code 

The Body Code which includes the Emotion Code provides a more detailed picture not only of trapped emotions, but also possible imbalances that can include inherited blocks. The Body Code deals with six main types of imbalances and is a means of energetically clearing the imbalances so that the body can begin to restore itself. 
Christiane Northrup, M.D., bestselling author and a leading health expert, who has appeared many times on "Oprah", sums up how Energy Healing can inform and complement conventional medicine:
“In the medicine of the future, as I envision it, working with the patient’s energy field will be the first intervention. Surgery will be a last resort. Drugs will be a last resort. They will still have their place, but shifting the energy patterns that caused the disease will be the first line of treatment. And before that, teaching people how to keep their energies in healthy patterns will be as much as part of physical hygiene as flossing or exercise.”
(Extract from foreward wriiten by Dr Christiane Northrup, January 2008 to"Energy Medicine for Women"by Donna Eden) 

To find out more about The Emotion Code and The Body Code treatments in Aberdeenshire, please contact me

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